How to Detach
When a situation becomes too much for you to handle, you might need to detach from it emotionally. Emotional detachment is not recommended as a means of running away from your problems or weathering abuse. It should not be used as a weapon against others or as a substitute for communication. However, if you are going through a tough moment within a relationship, temporary detachment can help you calm down and put your issues into perspective. Similarly, detaching during a confrontation can help you keep your cool. Lastly, if you have ended a partnership, you will need to detach gradually and for good.
EditSetting Boundaries
1Check in on your boundaries. Boundaries are the restrictions you set to protect yourself. You have emotional, mental, physical, and sexual boundaries. They can be learned from parents as you grow up, or you can acquire them by hanging around people who have their own set of healthy boundaries. If you are having trouble managing your time, habits, or your emotions, you may have poor boundaries.[1]
- If you feel overwhelmed by the feelings of others, or feel that your self-image comes entirely from other people, you need to attend to your boundaries.[2]
- If you often say "yes" to things you don't want to do, set boundaries.
- Pay attention to your senses. Do you feel something is wrong? Do you have an unpleasant sense in your stomach or chest? This may indicate that a boundary wants to be asserted.
2Enforce your boundaries. When you know what you want, or don't want, act. Set boundaries with yourself: a daily schedule, a refusal to accept insults. Set boundaries with others: space from arguments, a refusal to give in to pressure, a refusal to let others put their emotions on you. Say "no" when asked to do something you don't want to do.[3]
- Choose with whom you discuss your life. If you have a parent, friend, or partner who is controlling, don't give them fodder by sharing information with them. Say you will only discuss a topic if you are given no advice (and no orders).
3Detach to communicate your intentions. When you need to establish a boundary boundary with someone, you need to be able to communicate without worrying overmuch about their reaction. This is where emotional detachment comes in. Before you communicate, remind yourself that you are not responsible for how they feel. You have a right to set boundaries. [4]
- You can communicate boundaries verbally or non-verbally. As a simple example, when you need someone to give you space, you might stand up, look the person in the eye, and directly state, "I need some space right now."
4Stick to your boundaries. You may encounter initial resistance from those who are used to getting the reaction they want from you. Hold on to your convictions. Do not compromise a boundary. If you are accused of being withholding or unloving, say "I am being loving. It wouldn’t be loving for me to pretend I want something I don't."
- For example, if you set boundaries with an elderly parent you care for who is verbally abusive with you, your parent may stop that behavior once he or she sees that you will not tolerate it.
5Have a backup plan. Detach emotionally from the expectation that your boundaries will be respected. If you are unable to communicate boundaries to someone, or if you communicate boundaries and they are not respected, take charge of them. Set consequences for violated boundaries: say "if you call me names, I will leave the room. If you go through my phone, I will feel violated and I will tell you exactly how I feel." [5]
- If someone in your life is abusive or unable to control his or her own anger, enact your boundaries without communication.
- Take the space you want. Leave if a confrontation is brewing.
- Put up physical barriers to things you don't want violated. Set a password on your computer and phone, for instance.
- If you are a caretaker for a parent who won't respect your boundaries, try hiring someone else to take care of your parent until both of you can calm down and reach a better understanding.[6]
EditDetaching from a Situation
1Recognize moments that can easily escalate. If you notice you are constantly getting in fights in a certain mood or when certain things are said, detach before you get angry. To do this, recognize the triggers and prepare for moments in which they may appear. Go back over past confrontations and isolate the things that really made you angry, or really made the other person angry.
- You might notice that your partner always picks a fight when she or he is stressed about work. On stressful workdays, you can prepare to detach ahead of time by reminding yourself that she or he may be in a bad mood later.
- If the issue is not between you and one person, but rather between you and one situation, recognize that situation.
- For instance, you might always start to panic in bad traffic. Recognize that this is a big stressor for you.
2Stay calm. When a moment escalates, or when a trigger is presented, take a moment to calm yourself down. Remind yourself what is happening, and take two deep breaths.[7] Remember that in these moments you can only control yourself, not anybody else.
3Return when you are calm. Take as much time as you need to step away from a confrontation. Spend some time stating how you feel. Say "I feel angry that my mother tried to tell me what to do, and I feel frustrated that when I said this she started yelling at me." Naming your emotions will give you some space from them.
- Only return when you can name how you feel without feeling a new surge of emotion.[8]
4Use "I statements." Say how you feel, and what you would like. Avoid the temptation to criticize or blame. You can say "I would like to hear how you feel about this, but I'm afraid we're going to have a fight. Can we take a minute, and then you can say it to me again?" Or say "I notice I'm getting really freaked out about how messy the house is. I would feel a lot better if we had a plan." [9]
5Exit if possible. If it feels safe to take a physical break from a situation you would like to de-escalate, go ahead and take it. A walk around the block or a little time to yourself in another room can help you calm down. On your break, focus on how you feel. Try to name it if you can. Forget your partner for a moment, and take care of your own feelings. [10]
- You can return when you are ready to re-engage. Come back calmly, knowing that your partner may still be upset.
EditDetaching Temporarily from a Relationship
1Decide if detachment is appropriate. If you are unhappy in a relationship, ending it quickly may rob you of the possibility to get to the root of the problem. It can take months to figure out if your partnership can improve or not. In some cases, it might make sense to detach emotionally for a short period, while staying in the relationship. [11]
- For instance, you might detach if your relationship has soured due to a recent change in you and your partner's routine. You might both just need time to readjust.
- If you and your significant other are constantly at odds, or in an on-again off-again pattern, consider detaching.
- When tensions die down, both of you can reach a better decision about whether or not the relationship should continue.
- Don't detach before you have tried seriously to fix the issues in your relationship. Detachment should only be employed if you are on the verge of breaking up.[12]
2Detach without neglecting shared responsibilities. If you live together, have a child, or own a pet, a home, or a business, you will need to remain physically present and attentive. Detaching emotionally means holding back emotionally from the relationship for a while, but you can still share labor and everyday activities with your partner. [13]
3Take physical space. If you and your partner do not share responsibility for a child, another dependent, a pet, a home, or a business, you may have the option of taking physical time apart. Take a business trip or a vacation by yourself, or with a group of non-intimate acquaintances, such as a hiking group.
4Explain to your partner that you need to focus on yourself for a while, if you are asked. Don't announce your plans to detach, but if asked, say that you are thinking about the relationship and focusing on yourself for a while. You may not want to use the word "detach" or "disengage" unless that is language you and your partner already share. Instead, say you need time to focus on a project you have, on getting right with yourself, or on work. [14]
5Get support from friends. It is unfair to your partner if you expect emotional support from them while simultaneously withholding your emotions from them. It will also make it hard for you to stay disengaged. Rely on your friends and family for advice and socialization. Confide in friends and family that are your own, rather than yours and your partner's. [15]
6Focus on getting in touch with yourself. In your time detached, focus on figuring out your feelings. What do you need to change in your relationship? What of your needs are unmet? It may help to talk to a therapist. This is a time of sorting through your own feelings, not criticizing your partner.
- Abstain from sexual contact during this time.
7Decide what's next. If you have realized that you want to stay in the relationship, you may have to woo your partner back. He or she may feel hurt and abandoned by your detachment. Explain that you were afraid of breaking up, and that you were trying to cool off and not make a rash decision. Make an honest attempt to state your needs and listen to the needs of your partner.
- If you have decided that your relationship is over, use the perspective gained in your detachment to compassionately end your relationship.[16]
EditDetaching Permanently from a Relationship
1Take a break from your ex. If you are trying to get over someone, even someone you are still on good terms with, take a break from texting or talking with him or her. If you aren't in contact, keep it that way. If you are still in contact, the next time you are in a conversation mention that you need some time to yourself. Say "I hope we can be friends again, but I can't just jump into it. I need time to process." [17]
- Hang out with other people. Enjoy the company of your family and friends.
- If you lost friends in the separation, or are unsure who you can contact of your mutual friends, feel it out slowly. Try getting in contact with your closest people first, and see what happens from there.
2Take a break from social media. Make it hard to think about the person you are detaching from. Set the external boundary of detaching via social media. If you are on good terms with your ex, but are trying to get space, you can temporarily close your account on whatever websites you both use. It can be helpful to avoid pictures of your ex, and, while you are in a wounded state, it can be helpful to spend some time away from images of other people's lives as well.
- If you are not on good terms, you can just block or unfriend him or her.
- Depending on the website, you may be able to temporarily block notifications from the person without changing your status as "friends." However, if you are worried about obsessively checking their material and getting bummed out, you should either shut down your account or drop them as "friend."
3Remember why it ended. Every relationship is full of the fantasy of itself. If your relationship ended, there were probably reasons all along. Once you break up, you might only remember the good parts, or what might have been. Dwell for a while instead on the conflicts, the letdowns, and the things you couldn't do then and can do now. [18]
- You don't have to vilify your partner. Just remind yourself that the two of you were not having an easy time of it, and that if it hadn't ended it might have gotten worse.
- If you are having trouble remembering what went wrong, try writing down every low moment of your relationship. Read it over and allow yourself to grieve.[19]
4Practice forgiveness. After you have allowed yourself to feel the anger and pain of your breakup, choose to move on. Let go of your anger. Allow yourself to feel compassion for yourself and your ex. When you catch yourself feeling angry or resentful, name how you feel.
- Say "I resent that I always paid for our meals out" or "I am still angry that she or he never asked me what I wanted," or "I'm ashamed that I lost my temper with her instead of hearing her out."[20]
- Write a letter. You do not have to share it with your ex, but you can if you wish. Write out how you have felt and how you feel now.
- Forgiveness does not mean condoning anything that happened in the relationship. Rather, it means letting go of the anger that clouds your mood and harms your health.[21]
5Take care of yourself. Your focus in the months or even years after a relationship ends is learning how to live well without a partner. Once you have grieved, been angry, and worked on forgiveness, you can start working on enjoying yourself. Do things that make you feel balanced: take good care of your health, spend time with friends, do a great job at work, and enjoy outside activities.
- If you are miserable, try visiting a therapist. It doesn't have to be forever, but if your breakup has plunged you into a depression, or if you are feeling urges of self-harm, talk to a professional.[22]
6Call it a transition, not a loss. It's fine to grieve for a relationship that has ended, but don't let yourself dwell forever on what might have been. Instead, think of the things you learned from falling in love, from negotiating your partnership, and from breaking up. Remind yourself that a relationship that ends isn't a bad relationship: relationships can be good and short.
7Date when you're ready. When you're really feeling right with yourself, you'll be ready to date again. To see if you're ready, ask yourself if you're still angry at your ex, if you still want to be with your ex, if you feel unattractive, or if you are still feeling sad or unbalanced. If you aren't feeling any of these ways, you're probably ready to date. [24]
1Recognize that you are the only person you can control. You can attempt to guide the actions and reactions of the people around you, but when all is said and done, each person has to make his or her own decisions. The only person whose behavior, thinking, and feelings are within your power to control is you.
- Just as you cannot control another human being, another human being cannot control you.
- Recognize that the only power another individual has over you is the power you give him or her.
2Speak in “I” statements. Get in the habit of talking about negative circumstances from the perspective of how you feel about them. Instead of saying that someone or something has made you unhappy, phrase your complaint by saying, “I feel unhappy because...” or “This makes me feel unhappy.”
- Putting things in an “I” perspective can shift your thinking, allowing you to separate yourself as an individual from the situation. This separation can actually help make you more emotionally detached from the other people involved.
- This “I” language can also help defuse a tense situation because it allows you to convey your feelings and thoughts without being accusatory.
3Step away. Physical detachment can trigger emotional detachment. Walk away from the person or situation causing you anxiety as soon as you can. This does not need to be a permanent separation, but the separation should last long enough for you to calm down from a state of heightened emotion.
4Regularly take some time for yourself. When dealing with a troubling relationship or a situation that you are unable to end, get in the habit of routinely taking time to decompress after dealing with the source of drama. Consistently take this time for yourself even when you feel that your emotions are under control.
- For example, if you need to detach yourself from emotional stress at work, take a few minutes to meditate or unwind as soon as you get home.
- Alternatively, take a few minutes during your lunch break to do something you really enjoy doing, like reading or taking a walk.
- Entering into your own private bubble, even for a few minutes, can give you the balance and steadiness you need when you return.
5Learn to love yourself. You are as important as anyone else. Understand that your needs are important, that your self-love is important, and that you have a responsibility to maintain your own boundaries and wellbeing. You may need to compromise with others from time to time, but you also need to make sure that you are not the only one making sacrifices.
- Part of loving yourself means taking care of your needs and goals. If you have a goal that requires you to continue your education, you may need to take the necessary steps to do so regardless of whether those around you—your significant other, your parents—agree with your decision. However, be prepared to do it alone.
- Loving yourself also means finding your own sources of happiness. You should never completely rely on any one person to make you happy.
- If you feel like your partner or another person is the only source of your happiness, recognize that you need to set better boundaries.
11:38 PM
সত্যিকারের ভদ্র মেয়ের কিছু বৈশিষ্ট্য!
ভদ্র মেয়েরা হচ্ছে সমাজের সৌন্দর্য। এমন অনেক পুরুষ আছেন যারা ভদ্র মেয়ে বিয়ে করবেন এই ভেবে বিয়েই করছেন না, অথচ বিয়ের বয়স যাচ্ছে পেরিয়ে। আসুন কিছু কমন বৈশিষ্ট্য দেখে চিনে নেই সত্যিকারের ভদ্র মেয়ে!
১) ভদ্র মেয়েরা সর্বপ্রথম তাদের পোশাক নিয়ে খুব সচেতন থাকে। এমন কিছু পরে না যাতে করে বাহিরের কেউ চোখ তুলে তাকাতে সাহস করে। অনেকে বোরখা পরতে স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যবোধ করে।
২) ভদ্র মেয়েরা প্রেমের ব্যাপার নিয়ে খুব সিরিয়াস থাকে। তারা সচারচর প্রেমে জড়াতে চায় না, কিন্তু যদি কারো সাথে প্রেমে জড়িয়ে যায়, তাহলে মন প্রাণ দিয়ে চেষ্টা করে তা টিকিয়ে রাখতে।
৩) ভদ্র মেয়েরা সবসময় বন্ধু, পরিবার এবং বয়ফ্রেন্ডকে আলাদাভাবে গুরুত্ব দেয়। একটির জন্য অপরটির উপর প্রভাব পড়ুক তা তারা চায় না। যার জন্য তাদের ঝামেলা পোহাতে হয় বেশি।
৪) ভদ্র মেয়েদের রাগ একটু বেশি। যার উপর রেগে যায় তাকে মুখের উপর সব বলে দেয়। মনে কোনও রকম রাগ, হিংসে লুকিয়ে রাখে না। এতে অনেকের কাছে ঝগড়াটে উপাধিও পেয়ে বসে।
৫) ভদ্র মেয়েদের রাগের ঝামেলা পোহাতে হয় বিশেষ করে তাদের বয়ফ্রেন্ডকে। এরা রেগে থাকলে অযথা বয়ফ্রেন্ডকে ঝাড়ে। পরবর্তীতে নিজেদের ভুল বুঝতে পেরে সরি বলে। যে মেয়ে তার বয়ফ্রেন্ডকে সরি বলে তাহলে বুঝতে হবে সে তার বয়ফ্রেন্ডকে খুব বেশি ভালোবাসে।
৬) ভদ্র মেয়েরা সাধারণত ফেসবুকে ছবি আপলোড দেয় না। যদি দেয় তাহলে প্রাইভেসি দিয়ে রাখে। ফেসবুকে কতিপয় লুলু পুরুষ থেকে তারা ১০০ হাত দূরে থাকে।
৭) ভদ্র মেয়েদের বন্ধু/বান্ধবের সংখ্যা খুব সীমিত থাকে।
৮) ভদ্র মেয়েরা আড্ডা বাজিতে খুব একটা যেতে চায় না। যার জন্য তাদের বন্ধু/বান্ধব থেকে ভাব্বায়ালি/আনকালচার খেতাব পেতে হয়।
৯) ভদ্র মেয়েরা সাধারণ ঘরকুনো স্বভাবের বেশি হয়।
১০) ভদ্র মেয়েদের কাছে পরিবারের সম্মানটুকু সবার আগে। তারা পরিবারের সম্মানের বিরুদ্ধে কোনও কাজ কখনও করে না।

9:51 PM
Mahiya Mahi biography, HD pictures
Mahiya Mahi’s original name and Birthday
Film actress Mahiya Mahi original name is Sharmin Akter Nipa Mahi and Her birthday is in 27th of October.who is popularly known as Mahia Mahi came from Tanore in the district of Rajshahi. She has just completed her intermediate and dreamt of being a student of Dhaka University. Her father’s name is Khokhon Ali and mother’s name is Chobi. Mahiya Mahi – Bangladeshi Film Actress other movies named ‘Poramon’ directed by Jakir Hossain Raju and ‘Valobasha ajkal’ directed by P A Kajol.
In the year of 2012, Mahiya Mahi stepped into the film industry with the movie titled ‘Valobashar Rong’ and she conquered the heart of the spectators and critics through her very first appearance. Now she is one of the top ranked popular female artists in the Bangla film industry
Mahiya Mahi is a Bangladeshi Model And Film Actress. Her debut film was Shahin Sumon’s Balobashar Rong (2012). Her second movie is “Onnorokom Valobasha”. In both films, her co-actor is another new comer Film Actor Bappy. In 2013, her third movie, Zakir Hossain Raju’s “Pora Mon”. In this movie, the leading actor is Simon.
Mahiya Mahi acted films List:
In 2013, four movies had been released acted by Mahia; Mahiya mahi’s bangla movie are ‘Onnorokom Valobasha’, ‘Poramon’, ‘Valobasha aj kal’, and ‘Tobu o valobashi’. All of these gained popularity among general spectators. Three of them were box office hits. In 2014, two of the movies acted by Mahi were released; which were titled ‘Agnee’ and ‘Desha – the leader’.
Her first movie was ‘Valobashar Rong’ directed by Shahin – Shumon and produced by Jaaz Multimedia. Mahia Mahi won the hearts of the spectators by her skilled acting and nice attitude of delivering dialogue. Record number of spectators gathered in the cinema halls to watch her acting in that movie in the character of Faria with new comer Bappi.
Mahia Mahi also acted with Bappy in her second movie of Jaaz Multimedia; the movie titled ‘Onno rokom valobasha’ where she characterized in the name of ‘Mishti’. It was also commercially successful.
After that, actress mahiya mahi appeared in a totally different way than her first two movies. She amused the spectators by characterizing as a village girl named ‘Pari’ in her third movie ‘Poramon’. The film gained huge commercial successes for the touchy acting of Mahi and Saimon.
Bangladeshi Film actress Mahia Mahi was lucky enough to get the opportunity of acting with the number one film actor Shakib Khan in Bangla film industry. The movie titled ‘Valobasha ajkal’ directed by P A Kajol which was released during the Eid season. It was the first film for Mahi to be released in the festivity of Eid. She was highly appreciated for her acting in the character of Dana. And thus it added another success story in the short film career of Mahi.
Her fifth movie had been released in 27th of September in the same year. There she named ‘Shu noyona’ – the movie was directed by Montajur Rahman Akbar and Bappi was her co – actor in that occasion.
Mahi produced some diverse characters in the rather boring film arena of Bangladesh. In 2013, Mahi revealed herself as a dark complexioned girl in the movie ‘Ki darun dekhte’. Afterwards in the movie ‘Agnee’ Mahi performed in the character of a super action lady. The movie was directed by Iftekhar Chowdhury and was released in 2014. In ‘Agni’ Mahia Mahi acted with Arefin Shuvo for the first time.
Afterwards Bangladeshi actress mahiya mahi acted in another movie named ‘Dobir shaheber shongshar’ directed by Jakir Hossain Raju; Bappi and Rose were her co – actors. ‘Desha – The Leader’ can be named among her most successful films. Acted with Shipon, the movie was directed by Shaikat Nasir. Apart from these, Mahi has acted in remake version of ‘Moyna moti’ directed by Jakir Hossain Raju.
Film actress Mahiya mahi latest picture and photo
6:30 AM
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