12 Common Mistakes That Women Are Making At The Gym

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The process of working out can be frustrating – you’re at home, scrolling through Instagram’s countless fitspirational chiseled abs and perfect asses, and it has inspired you to get out of bed, and into the gym! But little do you know, half the things you think are heading you towards that dream body are actually holding you back. Here’s what to fit, and how.


1. You’re Too Monogamous With One Type Of Workout
Not having enough variety in your workout can lead to a muscle memory which is never challenged – and so you hit a plateau. Avoid repetition and try to mix it up by never repeating the same workout more than once a week. For instance, mix up your usual elliptical routine with some stationary biking, or a mat plyometric series.

2. Too Much Cardio
Women hop on this bandwagon because they think it’s the golden ticket to being skinny – instead, it just results in the dreaded skinny-fat, since it starts taking out of your muscle supply. Keep your curves and a toned body by incorporating weight-bearing exercises which strengthen muscles and bones, but still improve your metabolism, letting you eat more and keep a sick body.

3. Improper Form
Often, women are afraid to ask others for help at the gym. This makes sense – there are a lot intimidating, buff trainers and gross guys who are more than happy to guide you through doing squats. Find a female trainer you are comfortable with to show you proper form – improper form makes workouts more effective and decreases likelihood of injury
common_mistakes_that_women_are_making_at_the_gym_034. Don’t Forget That Food Is Fuel!
Eating before and after a workout is necessary to fuel and energize your system. Otherwise, you can’t build muscle. After a workout, whatever proteins you eat go right into your muscles. So don’t skip a meal, and your muscles will recover better. Make it a goal to eat half your body weight in protein grams every day.

5. Doing Only Crunches Because You Think It’ll Give You A Flat Stomach
Core workouts are vital for activating a toned tummy, but crunches actually do more neck pain than ab strengthening, most of the time. Pilates and TRX moves will give you a chiseled body in no time – sometimes it’s a matter of letting the fat melt off already existing muscles via cardio and watching carb intake.

6. Trying to Spot Reduce
You can’t work an individual muscle group, or get rid of one trouble area, aka love handles or inner thighs. Instead, choose full-body exercises that target more than one muscle group at a time (i.e, a squat + bicep curl combo). Working arms and legs at the same times also forces your core to stabilize so abs get worked without those pesky crunches.
common_mistakes_that_women_are_making_at_the_gym_027. Take A Rest Between Sets
Rather than grueling through a workout which you think burns the most calories, HIIT training with breaks in between actually maximizes cardio-acceleration. That is, short intense bursts of cardio in between strength training. Jump roping is a great way to start out with this method.

8. Using Weights That Are Too Light
No, you won’t have Donatella Versace arms if you lift a weight that’s more than a 3-pounder. If you’ve been lifting the same weight for years, no wonder you’re not becoming more toned! We don’t bulk up like guys do – instead it actually makes us leaner and smaller, since muscle is more compact than fat. Hello, triceps!

9. No Heavy Lifting For Fear Of Bulking Up
Women stay away from strength training because they think they will get large – same dilemma with the weights. But by adding just a little more lean muscles, you’ll burn way more calories throughout your day. The weight room in a gym can be an unpleasant place for a lady to exercise in, more often than not. There are a ton of muscle heads grunting and throwing around dumbbells – but be confident and start out light! If you’re scared of heavy lifting, try plyometrics which use your own body weight as resistance.

10. Not Stretching Before & After A Workout
We see athletes doing this all the time. In our busy lives, we often come to the gym, jump on the machine, bang out an intense workout, and leave. But just a couple of minutes of warming up your body by stretching before and after will help prevent injury, and keep your body aligned.

11. Not Drinking Enough Water
If your body isn’t hydrated enough when you’re working out, your cells become less efficient, and you simply can’t give 100% to your workout. You should aim to drink 3-4 ounces of water ever twenty minutes or so during the day, and try to be hydrated before your workout as well. Don’t sub water for coffee while you’re exercising!

12. Slow And Steady Wins: Don’t Set Unrealistic Goals
We know you want to look like Jennifer Lopez and get killer abs in a week – but don’t get frustrated and compare your body to other women. Goals take time, and by setting an unrealistic goal, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Small, achievable goals pave the way for a six-pack.

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